June 1, 2010

Praying for the Sick

Great article on corporate prayer by David Powlison. Corporate prayer is such a permeating church practice and should be properly understood - Powlison provides a biblical, common-sensical analysis of what corporate prayer should like, particularly as it pertains to praying for the sick. To read the article in its entirety click here.
"When you pray for the sick, and as you teach the sick to seek God for themselves, it ought to be a fiercely thoughtful firestorm." 
"Why don’t people pray beyond the sick list? We want circumstances to improve so that we might feel better and life might get better. These are often honest and good prayers—unless they’re the only requests. Unhinged from the purposes of sanctification and from groaning for the coming of the King, prayers for circumstances become self-centered. Learn, and teach others, to pray with the three-stranded braid of our real need. You will pray far beyond the sick list. And you will pray in a noticeably different way for the sick." 
HT: Ryan Mann

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